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Violance against woman

Violence against women refers to any act or pattern of behavior that causes mental, physical, sexual, or economic harm or suffering to women. Violence against women can consist, for example, of intimate partner violence or sexual violence and harassment, human trafficking, prostitution, as well as harmful traditional practices such as genital mutilation or forced marriages. Violence against women can have severe and lasting consequences. This problem is a global problem and a violation of human rights.

Women's support centers have been established in Estonia for victims of violence against women. If you need help or advice, find a suitable women's support center here. Women's support centers are available 24/7, and the service is free for those in need. 

Violence against women remains a problem for a number of complex and interrelated reasons:

1. Gender inequality: Deep gender inequality continues to exist in many societies, contributing to power imbalances that enable violence against women.

2. Cultural norms: Some societies still adhere to traditional norms and values that allow or normalize violence against women, making it difficult to change attitudes and behavior.

3. Economic factors: economic disparities can make it difficult for women to leave abusive relationships or access the support they need to escape violence.

4. Lack of awareness: Inadequate education and awareness of violence against women and its consequences can lead to misunderstanding and inaction.

5. Stigmatization and fear: Many women are afraid to report abuse because of social stigma, possible retaliation, or mistrust of the legal system.

6. Digital and cyber violence: The growth of the Internet and social media has led to new forms of violence, such as online harassment and cyberbullying, which can be difficult to combat.

Efforts to prevent violence against women require a multifaceted approach, including changes in social attitudes, legal reforms, awareness raising, and support for survivors.

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