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Sexual violence

Sexual violence is not only extreme cases such as rape or the threat of rape but also forced touching. Sexual violence is also when someone scares you into having sex with them. In other words, sexual violence is when someone does something sexual to you against your will. 

In any sexual activity, the most important thing is your consent, and you always have the right to change your mind and say NO. The consent of the other party must be ensured both the first time and when living together or married for a long time. Sexual violence is also when someone takes advantage of the fact that you were drugged, drunk, or asleep.

It is a myth that sexual violence only threatens women. All people can become victims of sexual violence, regardless of gender or age: children, young people, adults, men, and women, as well as people with different gender and sexual identities.

Contact the sexual violence crisis support center (contacts hereor the police (112) as soon as possible after a sexual assault, rape or the suspicion thereof. All people, regardless of their gender or age, who have experienced sexual violence or are suspected of it are welcome to the Sexual violence crisis centres.

It is natural to feel anger, shame, sadness, fear of being hurt again, or feel that you have to deal on your own with what happened. It can be difficult to talk about what happened, but by sharing what happened with experts/specialists in their field, you will be helped to understand that what happened was not your fault, and you will receive instructions on how to proceed and how to feel safe again. You will also get advice on how to feel safe again, and this will make you hopeful again. 

If sexual violence has occurred in the past, contact the victim support crisis helpline 116 006 or the victim support worker (each district has its own contact). For people who have experienced sexual violence and want information about the support group and joining it, please contact the victim support worker or write [email protected]

If a person needs mental support, professional psychological counseling, or psychotherapy to recover from the effects of a crime or violence they have experienced, they have the opportunity to receive mental health care that supports recovery from trauma.

Seek help!

If someone sexually assaults you, it's never your fault - no matter what you're told. Sexual violence is the responsibility of the perpetrator, not the victim. 

If sexual violence has occurred within the last seven days, contact a sexual violence crisis support center as soon as possible after a sexual assault, rape, or suspicion thereof:


West Tallinn Central Hospital

Address: Sõle 23, Tallinn, 10611

Entry: through the emergency reception of the women's clinic

Telephone: 53424724 (reception)


Ida-Viru Central Hospital

Address: Ilmajaama 12, Kohtla-Järve

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone: 3311094 (duty nurse of the maternity ward).


Pärnu Hospital

Address: Ristiku 1, Pärnu

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone: 4473393 


Tartu University Hospital

Address: L. Puusepa 8, Tartu

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone: 7319954 (gynecology department) 

The centers work around the clock, and the help is free.

If you are in danger, please go to a place where you are safe and secure. 

If you are in an emergency and/or if you have serious injuries and need urgent medical help, call 112.

More than seven days have passed since the sexual assault; consult or ask for help from a victim support worker

The victim support service is provided by the employees of the victim support department of the Social Insurance Board in all counties of Estonia, and they are mostly located in the same building as the police. 

Victim support service is provided on work days. 

To arrange an appointment for counseling, please contact the victim support worker by phone or e-mail.


For people who have experienced sexual violence and want information about psychological counseling and therapy, please contact the victim support worker. Regarding the possibilities of the support group, please write to [email protected].

What to do if you have been sexually assaulted?

If you have been raped or otherwise sexually assaulted, do not hesitate to seek help. Sexual violence crisis support centers are ready to help you at your request and consent.

In the sexual violence crisis support center:

  • you will be heard, supported, and advised;
  • you will be provided with a medical examination with the collection of evidence in case you want to contact the police either immediately or later;
  • you are offered help in preventing pregnancy;
  • you are provided testing for sexually transmitted diseases and post-exposure HIV treatment;
  • you will be supported if you want to contact the police;
  • if necessary, you will be offered a referral to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other specialist;
  • examinations and treatment are free.


TALLINN, West Tallinn Central Hospital

Address: Sõle 23, Tallinn, 10611

Entry: through the emergency reception of the women's clinic

Telephone: 53424724 (reception)

KOHTLA-JÄRVE, Ida-Viru Central Hospital

Address: Ilmajaama 12, Kohtla-Järve

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone: 3311094 (duty nurse of the maternity ward).

PÄRNU, Pärnu Hospital

Address: Ristiku 1, Pärnu

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone:  4473393 

TARTU, Tartu University Hospital

Address: L. Puusepa 8, Tartu

Entry: through the Center of Emergency Medicine.

Telephone: 7319954 (gynecology department) 

Immediately after the incident:

  • Go to a place where you feel safe and secure. In an emergency, call 112 or for advice on the victim assistance crisis helpline at 116 006. Contact the police or a sexual violence crisis support center as soon as possible.
  • If the sexual violence crisis support center is far from you and you or someone close to you cannot take you there, contact the police at 112 for help.
  • Don't wash or change your clothes, even though you might want to, and they're needed for evidence. If you did manage to change your clothes, take all the clothes you were wearing (preferably in a paper bag) to the police or a sexual violence crisis support center.
  • We encourage you to seek medical help even if you do not see visible injuries. At the sexual violence crisis support center, you will be examined, and all the necessary procedures will be performed to protect you from possible diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The crisis support center can provide you with primary mental support and share information and advice on how to proceed.
  • Sexual violence is the responsibility of the perpetrator, not the victim. Don't be afraid to report the incident to the police; this way, you can protect yourself, as well as possible future victims of the same person. 
  • Come to us also if you are a man, a non-binary or transgender person, with a different sexual identity, etc. Our experts can help all victims of violence. Don't be distracted by the fact that the help is provided by gynecologists and nurses. More important than the gender of the helper is their professional training, which helps them heal from trauma and experience dignified and respectful treatment.
  • Sexual violence of any kind is traumatic and can take a long time to recover from. It is normal to feel fear, shame, or guilt. Seek support from a loved one's victim support service - it is important to understand that what happened is not your fault. You can also seek help when more time has passed since the sexual assault in order to obtain psychological support and protect your health and relationships because the experience of sexual violence can affect you for a long time, and it is important to deal with the trauma in a timely manner.

relationships because the experience of sexual violence can affect you for a long time, and it is important to deal with the trauma in a timely manner.

If sexual violence has occurred in the past:

  • Sexual violence of any kind is traumatic and can take a long time to recover from. It is normal to feel fear, shame, or guilt.  You can also seek help when more time has passed since the sexual violence in order to receive psychological support and protect your health and relationships. The experience of sexual violence can affect you for a long time, and it is important to deal with the trauma in a timely manner.
  • Through the victim support service of the Social Insurance Board, it is possible for victims of sexual violence (even if it has occurred in the past) to receive free individual psychological counseling and therapy for those who have so far not received counseling and therapy in other ways. In order to receive psychological counseling and therapy, you must contact a victim support worker, whose contact information is provided here.
  • People who have experienced sexual violence and want information about the support group and how to join it, please contact the victim support worker or write to [email protected]
Are you a young person who has experienced sexual violence?

It is natural that experiencing sexual violence as a young person can make you feel scared and confused. You may feel like you can't trust any stranger enough to seek the help you need. However, it is important to talk about what happened and to seek help. Think whether you know a trusted adult or friend who you can turn to for support when you seek help.

You may feel that you don't want to upset your parents or cause them to worry, so you keep it to yourself. Even though most parents may be horrified to hear what happened, it is important to know that parents want to support and help their children.

If no more than seven days have passed since the sexual assault, seek primary help  in the sexual violence crisis support center, where we will help you cope with the situation caused by sexual violence. You can decide for yourself whether you want a doctor's examination or other help options. You can interrupt the examination at any moment if you wish. The doctor will explain to you whether you need medication to prevent pregnancy or STD testing. It is up to you whether you want treatment and testing.

If our helpers feel that your safety and health are in danger, it is possible to ask the police and/or a social worker for help. We will definitely consult with you in advance and take your possible concerns into account.

If primary aid (7 days) is not necessary or possible, we welcome minors under 18 years old with suspicion of sexual violence to come to the service of the Children's House. Young people aged 18-26 can contact a healthcare worker (gynecologist, family physician, etc.) and the youth counseling office

It is always possible to call the victim support helpline 116 006 24 hours a day.

Are you a man who has experienced sexual violence?

All people can become victims of sexual violence, regardless of gender or age. It is natural to feel anger, shame, sadness, fear of being hurt again, or feel that you have to deal on your own with what happened. It can be difficult to talk about what happened, but by sharing what happened with experts/specialists in their field, you will be helped to understand that what happened was not your fault, and you will receive instructions on how to proceed and how to feel safe again. 

Contact the sexual violence crisis support center (contacts here) or the police (112) as soon as possible after a sexual assault, rape or the suspicion thereof. 

If more than seven days have passed since the sexual assault, you can contact a victim support worker for help or call the victim support helpline 116 006 24 hours a day. Minors under the age of 18 can also go to the Children's House

If you would like additional information about the possibilities of psychological help, please also contact the victim support worker.

If the child has experienced sexual violence

If a child has been sexually abused or there is a suspicion of it, after the immediate incident (within seven days), contact the sexual violence crisis support centers, which are open 24/7 for primary aid. 

In the sexual violence crisis support center, the child (and parent) is offered initial counseling and support, as well as an examination and medical assistance if necessary.

If primary emergency aid (7 days) is not necessary or possible, we wait for children suspected of sexual violence to be referred to the service of the Children's House service. To provide Children's House services, various specialists work together for the child's well-being, such as a child protection worker, the police, a prosecutor, a psychologist, and many others. To contact the Children's House, consult the children's helpline 116 111.

The Children's House service team assesses the child's health and social situation and the need for further help carries out the necessary investigations to solve the case, offers the child the necessary help and counseling, and refers the family to a psychologist or therapist.


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